ag百家乐九游会 2024 ASLA住宅联想类荣誉奖: Highbank住宅, 好意思国

2024-12-28 06:03 109

Project Statement


The holistic rehabilitation of an ecologically sensitive landscape, including protecting a unique shoreline along a midwestern glacial lake, ensures the enduring legacy of a family retreat. Brokering a potent solution for a majestic but highly degraded property, the landscape architect created a vision that incorporates the subtleties of the landscape to reflect the sincerity of the locale and serve as a model for design with an action plan based on conservation, stewardship, and sustainable ecological adaptation. Incorporating cues from the rich geologic subtext, the plan reflects the application of vigorous ecological restorative techniques with crafted outdoor spaces resulting in a layered landscape that builds upon its environment.

▲ 融入乡村环境:从社区谈路望去,住宅与景不雅在雕琢般橡树的暗影下当然结伙,传达了对场面特点的深切敬意,Embracing the Rural Setting: From the community road, the home and landscape seamlessly mergebeneath the shadows of sculptural oaks, communicating an appreciation ofplace.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

神色诠释Project Narrative













▲优先景不雅的相助联想:建筑呈外展的L形布局,与湖泊和北侧规模平行,既保护了老到树木,又让附进的草原景不雅浸透进场面,A Collaboration Prioritizes Landscape: The splayed, L-shaped home parallels the lake and northern boundary,preserving mature trees and inviting the adjacent prairie to permeate the site.© Design Workshop, Inc.

▲横断面联想:林地、草原与湖岸:曾在好意思国中西部地区平素分散的橡树林草原,如今已极为冷漠。严谨的联想实际保护、增强并重建了这一迫切的生态系统,Transect: Woodland, Prairie, Lakeshore: Once prolific across the Midwest, intact oak savannas are now rare.Rigorous design practices preserve, enhance, and reestablish the criticalecology.© Design Workshop, Inc.

▲林地旯旮:以场面的原生态系统为重心,联想围绕草地与橡树林之间的视觉与功能性相接组织了住宅与进口空间,Woodland Edge: A focus on the site’s native ecology organizes the home and arrival around a visual and functional connection to adjacent grasslands and oak stand.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲新草原:跳动100种腹地物种取代了正本以草坪为主的景不雅,摒除了宝贵、化学品使用及水资源挥霍带来的环境影响,A New Prairie: Over 100 native species replaces a once-dominant lawn, and its associated environmental impacts of maintenance, chemicals, and water consumption.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲团结的建筑与景不雅愿景:一个2,500平方英尺的绿色屋顶如同草原的当然延长,既照管了雨水径流,也裁减了建筑的视觉存在感,A Cohesive Vision of Architecture + Landscape: Manifest as a lifted extension of the prairie, a 2,500-square-foot green roof manages stormwater runoff and minimizes the visual presence of the home© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲绿色屋顶:分层联想奥妙地将住宅融入冰碛地形之中,庞杂的景不雅笔触将草原与湖泊相接起来,Green Roof: The layered approach creatively heals the home into an existing glacial moraine. Broad brush strokes in the landscape connect the prairie to the lake.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲刚劲的环境效益:腹地草原植物能防护泥土和营养流失,接收雨水并过滤混浊物,同期招引各式传粉者和野无邪物,Robust Environmental Benefits: Native prairie species buffer soil and nutrient loss, absorb rainwater while filtering toxins, and attract a wide variety of pollinators and wildlife.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲近况(编削前):数十年的东谈主为行径导致场面生态价值大幅裁减,突显了再行践行地盘照管快活的必要性,Existing Conditions (Before): Decades of human activity diminished the ecological value of the property,demonstrating the need for a renewed commitment to proper land management.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲编削后的更始:经过全心保护的橡树以其当然分枝结构酿成浓密树冠,为各样约聚空间的联想提供了灵感,Transformation (After): The natural branching structure of carefully protected oaks creates a canopy of deep shade, informing the creation of distinct gathering areas.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲生物工程,湖岸与河岸当然化:具有刚劲根系的物种自然具备防护水土流失的智力,逍遥了陡峻的1.5:1坡度,而湿地植物则提供湖岸缓冲区,改善水质,Bioengineering: Bank and ShorelineNaturalization: Species with root systems predisposed to providing erosion control stabilize the extreme 1.5:1 slope while wetland plugs offer a riparian buffer.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲与当然共处:克制的联想干扰带来了与湖泊的物理与精神相接;抬升的露台将室内空间延展至宁静的湖景之中,Commune with Nature: Restrained interventions offer physical and spiritual connection to the lake; araised deck extends interior spaces toward a tranquil watery vista.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲树木保护与演替方针:户外空间联想克制而小巧,通过悬挑、袖珍桩基和/或干铺工艺,最大划定地减少对精深白橡树冠下要道根区的影响,Tree Preservation and Succession Planning: Restrained outdoor spaces – cantilevered, micro-piled, and/or sand-set -minimize impacts to critical root zones beneath the majestic, bur oak canopy.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲建设收效:联想移除了所有这个词外来物种,将硬化车行谈面积减少了40%,去除了35,000平方英尺的草坪,并归附了当然化的湖岸线,Restoration Results: The design removes all non-native species, reduces vehicular surfaces by40%, removes a 35,000-square-foot lawn, and restores a naturalized shoreline.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲ 极简细节:自然石材与透水小路在建筑与景不雅间轮流过渡,高出了周围景不雅的动态特点与当然流动感,Minimalistic Detailing: Permeable paths with natural stone transitions traverse between architecture and landscape, emphasizing the dynamism of the surrounding landscape.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.

▲中西部地区的典范案例:该神色提供了一个基于保护、照管与可握续生态适当的先进区域模子ag百家乐九游会,并通过具体步履要领展现了生态联想的实际旅途,A Case Study for the Midwest: The project offers a progressive regional model with action steps based on conservation, stewardship, and sustainable ecological adaptation.© Brandon Huttenlocher / Design Workshop, Inc.



