AG百家乐下载 3月9日雅念念大作文示范写稿 | 现款赠礼比躬行挑选礼物多量之原因及影响分析

发布日期:2024-05-20 21:18    点击次数:177


March 11, 2025

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In more and more countries, people choose to give money on special occasions rather than giving gifts chosen personally. Why might this be the case? Is it a positive or a negative development?




In contrast to traditional gift-giving, which mostly involves tangible gifts, there has been a significant shift in favor of cash in recent decades. This significant change could be explained by a string of factors and I believe that it is generally detrimental.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ gift-giving 耸峙

❖ tangible gifts 有形礼物

❖ shift 改换n.

❖ a string of factors 一连串的要素

❖ detrimental 无益的adj.

Body paragraph 1

Giving loved ones cash instead of material presents is unquestionably motivated by practicality, flexibility, and certainty. Giving an unwanted present that fail to align with receivers’ preferences will in all probability miss the mark, while cash enables the nearest and closest to buy what they need or desire, or simply putting aside in their bank account. At the heart of the explanations, however, stands population mobility. For instance, shipping a bouquet of carnations or a teddy bear has become unnecessary and burdensome for those emigrated to another country. In some cases, long distance and inadequate communication could translate into one’s poor knowledge of loved ones’ personalities, hobbies and passions, rendering them unable to offer presents that chime with receivers’ status quo.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ material presents什物礼物:指送给某东说念主的有形物品,时时用于庆祝某个很是场面或暗意感谢

❖ unquestionably adv. 老实守纪地;可信地,信服地

❖ practicality n. 实用性,可行性;求实,不务空名

❖ flexibilityn. 适合性;可变性;适应性

❖ certainty n. 如实,细则性

❖ an unwanted present 不想要的礼物

❖ align with 与某东说念主或组织实现一致,与他们勾通或撑握他们的方针

❖miss the mark未能达到预期恶果:未能达到预期的恶果

❖ the nearest and closest 最亲近的东说念主

❖ put aside 存储,储蓄:将(钱等)存储或储蓄以备过去使用

❖ population mobility东说念主口流动:臆测东说念主口转移的统计数据,常用于东说念主口统计学和东说念主类地舆学中,也可用于描绘动物在不同种群之间的挪动

❖ a bouquet of carnations 一束康乃馨

❖ burdensome adj. 背负千里重的,致力于的

❖ translate into转动为

❖ render 以致/变得

❖ chime with与……一致,ag百家乐可以安全出款的网站与……息争:指与某事物相适应或相息争

❖ status quo 近况:指刻下存在的事物或情况

Body paragraph 2

Based on the abovementioned, I would therefore argue that this phenomenon generally negative. On the surface, cash seems to be the most thoughtful gift to bestow newly-married couples, newly-born babies or newly relocated families, especially those who are in dire straits. Nevertheless, money gifts could be interpreted as too impersonal and thoughtless for life-time occasions. For example, 500 bucks as a gift for grandparents’ 50th anniversary speak volumes for your willful ignorance of their retirement years, while a puppy in a box or a honeymoon on a cruise ship could light their faces up more easily. Even for other milestone moments, including baby shower party and house-warming dinner, giving cash could be deemed as a touchless gesture, reflecting waning consideration about the recipient’s life.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ bestow vt. 赠予,授予(财产、权利或荣誉)

❖ newly-married couples 新婚佳偶

❖ newly-born babies 刚出身的婴儿

❖ newly relocated families 新搬迁家庭

❖ in dire straits 处于迥殊灾祸或蜿蜒的境地

❖ impersonal adj. 非个东说念主的,不受个东说念主情谊影响的;枯竭情面味的,冷淡的;不够东说念主性化的;

❖ thoughtless adj. 平缓的;欠琢磨的;琢磨不周的;不顾及他东说念主的

❖ 50th anniversary 金婚/50年

❖ speak volumes for 为……高声讲话:用行动或特征来抒发或展示某东说念主或某事的蹙迫性、价值或品性

❖ willful ignorance 专诚无知:指一个东说念主明知县实,却选拔无视或阻隔接受,以遁入处事或幸免面临实际

❖ puppy n. 小狗,幼犬

❖ cruise ship 游轮:一艘停泊不同口岸并搭载搭客进行平静旅行的大型船只

❖ light their faces up 呈现欢娱的心绪

❖ milestone moments 蹙迫工夫:指东说念主生中的蹙迫事件或里程碑工夫,如授室、生子、毕业等

❖ baby shower party 宝宝派对:一个为孕珠的女性耸峙物的约会

❖ house-warming dinner 暖屋晚餐

❖ touchless adj. 无触觉的

❖ waning consideration 越来越少的琢磨

❖ recipient 接受者,接受者


In conclusion, giving money should not be viewed as a one-size-fits-all strategy, although it is more blessed to give than to receive.




不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):

❖ one-size-fits-all 全能的

❖ it is more blessed to give than to receive:施比受更有福(源自圣经)这一原则是基督教伦理的基础,强调给以带来的沸腾和精神上的讲述。