北京时间1月23日AG百家乐打闲最稳技巧,第29届LG杯全国围棋棋王战决赛迎来决胜局。 据@东谈主民体育音问,LG杯决赛柯洁对阵卞相壹第三局,裁判又介入暂停了比赛,称柯洁提子违章,随后为比赛封盘暂停。 柯洁以为裁判法则时机欠妥,在现场示意了抗议,并条件重赛,但韩方坚握罚黑棋2目不时比赛。 据现场视频,柯洁暴怒的原因不是犯规被罚,而是裁判在轮到对部棋战的情况下叫停比赛,就是给了韩国棋手无尽念念考的契机。 ![]() 过程2小时的长时间中断,柯洁复返到比赛间,然后将我方的东西打理好,穿上穿戴平直离开了。 随后,韩国裁判现场通知:因为柯洁提子莫得放到棋盒盖,平常判罚两目,在协商后柯洁建议重赛,不继承判罚,遴荐退赛!卞相壹夺冠。 Chinese Go player Ke Jie withdrew from the third decisive game of the 29th LG Cup Final in South Korea on Thursday. South Korean player Byun Sangil won the championship without claiming a single victory. The referee paused the match during Byun's turn and penalized Ke two points for not placing a captured stone on the bowl's lid. Ke requested a rematch but withdrew when the request was denied. ![]() 一时间,关连议论冲上微博热搜。 ![]() 据新黄河征引直播吧音问,ag百家乐交流平台比赛中柯洁提子时拨棋没拨到棋盖里,随后卞相壹念念考的时间裁判介入暂停比赛。 这不是本场比赛第一次出现争议。此前,在第二局比赛中,1比0杰出的柯洁九段因两次提子未舍弃在棋盒盖上,被裁判凭据韩国围棋规章判负,两边战成1比1平。 据悉,这是围棋全国大赛决赛中初次出现犯规负。 Ke's loss in the LG Cup finals due to \"rule violations\" has sparked controversy on Wednesday. Ke failed to place captured stones in the designated stone container lid on two occasions during the second game in accordance with the latest Go rules in South Korea. This marks the first time a rule violation has led to a loss in a world-class Go tournament final. 22日晚,中国围棋协会陈诉柯洁被判负,示意中国队在赛前已学习韩国新规,中国围棋代表团已就地向韩国方面建议申报,临了韩国棋院裁判委员会督察本局按既有规章判罚。 According to Korean Go rules, two cumulative violations can result in a forfeit, and Ke was subsequently declared to have lost the game. Despite an appeal from the Chinese delegation, the result remained unchanged. ![]() 据了解,本届LG杯冠军奖金3亿韩元(约合东谈主民币151.8万元),亚军1亿韩元(50.6万东谈主民币),比赛用时为每方用时3小时,5次40秒读秒。 自从2020年柯洁拿劣等25届三星杯的冠军,加冕最年青的“八冠王”,就一直期待着能超越古力,夺得第九冠,可惜多年来这一素志一直未能齐全。本次LG杯决赛是龙年的临了一个全国大赛决赛,再加上柯洁冲击个东谈主全国第九冠,因此备受情势。 起首:中国后生报 中国围棋协会 北青体育 东谈主民体育 北京日报 九派新闻 全球时报 凤凰新闻 |